联系我们: yanyansun@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Zhipengcheng Bao

Master’s Degree Graduate in Industrial design Engineering.
Used to work as a Trend Designer in Li Ning.
Now working as an Industrial designer in Xiao Mi.


Zhipengcheng Bao (鲍志鹏程) received his MA in Industrial Design Engineering from Tsinghua University (THU). His master’s research focused on the relationship between industrial design and market commerce, emphasizing people-oriented product design to impart lasting value and enduring influence to brands. Leveraging this research, he worked as a Trend Designer at Li Ning Sports Products Co., Ltd. He is currently employed as an Industrial Designer at Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd.


Email: baozhipengcheng@163.com


Application of bioinformatics data to industrial products

Different people have diverse physiological structures and walking habits. So, the foot forces is also different during exercise. I get multiple sets of data from the test of behavior habits in each person. Then, I use these data to interfere with the 3D model, and get a unique pair of 3D printed shoes whitch only suit this individual’s usage habits.

Experimenting in the Sports Lab
Product verification
Mass-produced goods

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      +86 010 62798891
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